Monday, March 5, 2012

The Ancient Pyramids: How were they built?

Recently I have had trouble looking for topics to blog about. I had to figure out what I am interested in most and I stumbled upon some ancient Egyptian Technology Videos. There is still a lot that we don't know about the Ancient Egyptians and I found it fascinating that an African Empire from so long ago could build such Great Pyramids.
My focus isn't necessarily why they built the Pyramids. I'm interested in how they built them and with what technology. There is a History Channel documentary that theorizes the idea of Egyptians possessing heavy machinery equal or greater then what we have today. They used evidence in the architecture to prove their case when we see 800 ton block which were cut with precise cutting which is impossible with tools assumed to be used at that time. They have Granite and Diorite stone blocks weighing hundreds of tons all cut with state of the art precision. The only stone hard enough to cut this has to be tipped with diamonds. I think that there is a lot about ancient civilizations that we don’t know about. I think ancient civilizations were more advanced and more complex then we have ever imagined. I think ancient civilizations as a whole knew more about our universe and more about nature. They were expert astronomers and architects. It’s a shame that we don’t know much about the Ancient Egyptians and how they got their knowledge.

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